During the spring 2016 semester, the Avery Point Global Cafe will examine local and global environmental risks and resources including pollution, racial and socioeconomic inequalities, and environmental and criminal justice. The Global Cafe will partner with the UCONN Reads and One Book, One Region programs to co-host campus panel events, film screenings, faculty learning community discussions, and a student poster session.
Thursday, Feb. 18th – Interdisciplinary Faculty Panel, “Shades of Green and Blue: Exploring the Uneven Terrain of Environmental Justice,” 12:30-1:30pm, Student Center Glass Room.
- Phoebe Godfrey, Sociologist, discussing race, class, gender and global climate change
- Julie Granger, Marine Scientist, on developing Marine Science curricula for Connecticut urban schools
- Kristina Wagstrom, Chemical Engineer, discussing her recent service-learning project on air pollution and human health in Hartford’s inner-city neighborhoods
Monday, February 29th – Film Screening of The Mask You Live In, 7:00pm, Academic Building Auditorium.Co-Sponsored by Safe Futures CT (safefuturesct.org) and UCONN’s Institute for Teaching and Learning http://therepresentationproject.org/film/the-mask-you-live-in/
Tuesday, March 8th – Film Screening of Texas Gold, 12:30-1:30pm, Academic Building Auditorium. Why is Diane Wilson – mother of five, fourth generation fisherwoman, Public Enemy No. 1 in Calhoun County Texas? TEXAS GOLD profiles the brave actions that have earned Diane Wilson the title of “unreasonable woman” waging multiple hunger strikes, starting up a business bottling toxic water taken from a superfund site – chaining herself to a DOW chemical tower, Diane believes that “…putting your life at risks is where change happens.” http://www.texasgoldmovie.com
Wednesday, March 23rd – Panel Event, “Criminal Justice in Connecticut, Past and Present,” 4:00-5:30 pm, Marine Science Building, Room 103.
- Larry Goodheart, Historian, discussing his research on the death penalty
- Dick Cole, UConn Avery Point Political Science professor, discussing the death penalty in the United States
- Jan Schenk Grosskopf, author of the historical fiction for Mischief done, discussing her research on crime in 18thcentury New London
- Tom Condon, Hartford Courant journalist, discussing his research on the wrongful conviction (and recent exoneration) of a man in a 1987 rape and murder case in Connecticut
Tuesday, April 19th – Film Screening of The Water Front, 12:30-1:30pm, Academic Building Auditorium. The Water Front is the story of an American city in crisis but it is not just about water. The story touches on the very essence of our democratic system and is an unnerving indication of what is in store for residents around the world facing their own water struggles. (53 minutes, 2007) http://waterfrontmovie.com
May 2nd-6th Student Poster Session, Avery Point Library. Join us for an interdisciplinary Student Poster Session on Criminal, Social, and Environmental Justice. Opening Reception, Monday, May 2nd 11:30-1:30. Posters will be on display from Monday, May 2nd- Thursday, May 5th. For more information contact nancy.parent@uconn.edu or laurie.wolfley@uconn.edu.
Faculty Learning Community (FLC) lunchtime meetings: Bring your lunch and casually explore this semester’s topics on environmental and criminal justice. All faculty/staff are welcome.
Thursday, Feb. 4th, 12:30-1:30, ACD 318 Conference Room
Thursday, March 3rd, 12:30-1:30, ACD 318 Conference Room
Thursday, April 7th, 12:30-1:30, ACD 318 Conference Room
Thursday, April 28th, 12:30-1:30, ACD 318 Conference Room
Programming is co-sponsored by the Avery Point Global Café, UCONN Reads, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, and the Avery Point Director’s Office.
For more information, contact Nancy Parent,nancy.parent@uconn.edu or Laurie Wolfley,laurie.wolfley@uconn.edu